Copyright 101: Copyright law concerns the protection of original, artistic and creative works, including written expressions and the communication of information and ideas that have been reduced to tangible form. Items ripe for copyright protection often include books, advertisements, articles, graphic designs, labels, letters, lyrics, maps, musical compositions, non-functional product designs, and software.
Value Provided: Today's mobile and Internet driven society has spawned an explosion in the field of copyright law. Website owners and operators, as well as app creators, are too frequently pitted against others in disputes involving conflicting claims as to ownership which might have been completely avoided if related issues had been addressed early on. In addition, the common practice of website copying and website inclusion of works created by others has resulted in an astronomical increase in claims of copyright infringement.
Of course, issues relating to the work for hire doctrine, fair use, co-authorship, and the scope of protectable subject matter, to name but a few, remain as potential pitfalls for the unwary in all areas of creative endeavor, including the more traditional areas of musical and literary works, professional and academic research, writing, and publication. We have experience in dealing with all of these issues, as well as all issues involved in federal copyright registration practice. We are also available to assist in connection with the licensing and litigation of copyrights and copyrightable material.